Khenpo Pem Tsheri Sherpa
Pem Tsheri Sherpa was born in a small village, Marbu-5, Dolakha, Nepal. When he was 9 years old, H.H. Penor Rinpoche visited Nepal and told his father to send him to live at Namdroling Monastery. Thereafter, Rinpoche looked after him as his own child. He attended Yeshi Wodsal Sherab Raldriling junior high school at the Monastery. At 18 years old, he received the esoteric teachings of Tantra, laying the foundation for the higher practices. He entered Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (NNI) in 2003, a college of Tibetan Buddhism (Shedra). There he studied general Buddhist Philosophy as well as specific Nyingma teachings as well as Tibetan grammar, poetry, and Tibet's political and religious history. He excelled in all his subjects.
After he received his degree with the title of Lopon (Acharya), he has been giving teachings, and participating in many ceremonial occasions in Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan and India, as well as in Europe in France, Portugal and Germany, and the United States of America. His teachings include Buddhist teachings on Bodhicitta, meditation, philosophy. and especially traditional Palyul Nyingma teachings and the great perfection method of practice. He also excels in ritual activities such as lama dance (chyam) and puja.
In 2018, he received the degree of Khenpo (Ph.D. in Buddhist Philosophy) from H.H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche at Namdroling Monastery. At present he is traveling the world to spread Buddha's doctrine with the wish to help all sentient beings.